written by Alexus Huston

Thunderfest, you’ve heard about it, you’ve seen flyers for it all around campus, but what is it? Many students who came to NCCC after 2020 and many teachers are confused about what this event is going to be on May 6th, 2022?
I asked some people around campus, what is Thunderfest?
“It’s like NCCC’Sspring fest right?”
“I know it’s a concert, but I don’t know anything about it.”
“I didn’t even know it was a thing till recently. I don’t know”
“I’ve got no idea.”
“That’s what the big sign is about, I know that it says We The Kings are coming. I think it’s in may?”
“To be honest, I have no idea but it sounds fun.”
Well from what I can tell, Thunderfest is a concert, and this year ‘We The Kings’ is making an appearance as our entertainment of the night. We The Kings are popular for their songs; “Check Yes, Juliet”, “Secret Valentines”, and “We’ll be a Dream”. Along with this soon-to-be wonderful performance, there will be food trucks and more.
Opening up for them will be the first place runner of the talent show on April 20th, at 6 pm. Make sure to stop by to see who might be playing for We The Kings!
Check out Thunderfest on May 6th, beginning at 5 pm, in lot 1 on the NCCC campus. Tickets can be found online, just use your phone’s camera to scan any of the many posters you see on the campus walls. Student tickets are $10, and public tickets are $20. The concert will go on through the rain or shine. You can catch me there, singing along to the songs that helped me through middle school. Now if you excuse me, I have to go relearn all the lyrics to Check Yes, Juliet.