By Jade Carpenter
Thanksgiving is a day of celebration, a day to give thanks and be with loved ones, and to stuff your face!
For those who want to make a big meal and celebrate in general, or help out your community for this fine holiday… If you have a hard time making ends meet, or know someone who might.. you can look into these following alternatives:
Niagara County’s delivery of meals.
An organization that tries to fulfill the growing needs of older adults in our community.
The Niagara County Office for the Aging has partnered with FeedMore WNY to provide meals to participants in the Eat Well…Stay Well Home Delivered Meals Program.
“The staff at the Niagara County Office for the Aging will still be conducting assessments and managing your files and records. FeedMore WNY will be preparing and delivering the meals along with the assistance of their dedicated volunteers. If you would like to be a participant and need to cancel a meal or have questions regarding the service, please contact FeedMore WNY directly at 716-822-2002. Their expert staff is ready to assist you with whatever you need!”
Home Delivered Meals will be/ are available through FeedMore WNY.
“Meals will be delivered to participants’ homes, Monday through Friday, between the hours of 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m., 52 weeks a year (no delivery on holidays). Hot meals include meat, chicken, or fish, vegetables, and/or salad, bread, dessert and a carton of 2% milk. Cold meals include a sandwich or salad , dessert or fruit and a carton of milk.”
FeedMore WNY (Link to the partners website.)
For more information, you can contact FeedMores NY Connects staff at 716-438-3030.
NCCC’s “ Day of Giving.”
“The NCCC Day of Giving is an annual tradition that celebrates the spirit of giving within the college community. This day brings together students, faculty, staff, alumni, and friends to raise funds for the annual fund, athletics and student showcase—programs that directly benefit students.” There will be multiple openings for donations/ charity at events taking place at NCCC on November 28th, 2023. From 8:30a.m- 2:00p.m there will be different opportunities to donate. Including a breakfast for staff and faculty, a basket raffle, and a thunderwolves paw sale. (If you choose to donate to the paw sale, you will receive a paw and help decorate the learning commons!)
More information is here, if you are interested. Below is a link to donate online directly if you choose. Everyone have a wonderful holiday and happy thanksgiving!!