By: Alexus Huston

It’s finally that time of the year, May is around the corner, Graduation isn’t too far away, and this is the last issue of the NCCC Spirit for the semester. It’s been a fun run, but this writer has some graduating to do.
This is a bittersweet moment for me, and I can imagine a few other people out there feel the same. See, we’re happy because we’re about to graduate and move on with our lives, but sad because we’re leaving friends and great teachers behind. Thanks to Niagara Community College, I met some great people who live outside my hometown, people who I would have never met if it were thanks to the Sanborn campus. You may be thinking “I won’t miss any teachers from NCCC.” but think about the faculty that you’ve passed by every day for two years, the Tim Hortons staff that greeted you with your daily coffee, the Cafeteria staff, who makes some of the best food I’ve had in a while, and even the people in the ACE center, who are helpful to every student who walks through those glass doors.
I asked the seniors of the NCCC halls what they’re going to miss most about NCCC and these were their responses:
“I’m going to miss my roommate.” -J.D
“The tutors in the ACE center, they helped me pass” -K.B
“Debriefing and gossiping with friends after sociology” -R
“I’m gonna miss the food” -M.R
“My best friends, who live like hours away from me.” -D.L
Of course, I know I have teachers that I already miss the thought of leaving. I asked some students which staff and teachers they’ll miss. This was their response:
“Dr. Clarqk- He’s probably the reason why I’m still here as a student. His Western Civilization class was so cool” -A.B
“James Murphy- He’s great!” -K.F
“Professor Lange- She is the best!” -A.B
“Salvatore Sciandra” -B.B
“I’m going to miss the cafeteria staff that knows my order before I have to say anything.” -M.R
“Daniel Perlino- He was my favorite” -K.F
“Probably Dr. Ruhl” -S.D
“Marissa Surdyke”-R
Thus, we say goodbye to the graduation class of 2022, and hello to the freshmen that plan to walk through the Learning Common doors on the first day of the fall semester. You’ve got lots ahead of you my young friends.
Advice to freshmen;
- If you’re thinking about taking an early class because “you got up early last year in high school” re-think it; I promise you when that alarm goes off for your 7 am class, you’ll really regret it.
- Have an extra spot for another class? Try something new! Seriously, college is the place you’re supposed to learn new things at, this could be the perfect time to learn a new language or learn a new skill. My Senior year was the best year because I tried a bunch of new classes that have always peaked my interest.
- Night classes are under-rated. They’re the most chill class because everyone’s worn out from the day, the classes are smaller (so you can get more needed help from a teacher), and you’ll meet some interesting people in the process.
- If you don’t see any classes that interest you, try Journalism with Mr. Pietrzykowski. His class is fun, and because of it you get to put our articles about the things you find interesting about NCCC. Someone is going to have to fill this writer’s shoes, so why not give it a try. As a teacher, Mr. Pietrzykowski is really understandable and helpful, you’ll have a good time in his Journalism class. Good luck to the next semester’s journalists.
I asked some students around campus for any advice for the freshmen of the fall. These are their responses:
“Don’t leave everything till the last minute” -B.B
“The Library is really really quiet and good for studying” -S.D
“Be more involved on campus, because you only get one chance at college” -A.B
“Take any extra credit you can get” -M.R
“Have fun but do your work” K.F
“Be ready for change” -R
“Stay on top of your work. It’s okay if you don’t know what you want to major in. You’ll figure it out.” -H.M
Of course there are some classes that I and other students on the NCCC campus recommend. I suggest taking any classes with Mrs. Bridget Beilein, as she’s a really amazing teacher, who actually makes learning Spanish fun. Another class I recommend trying is 3D printing with Mr. Braidy Barnes. His class was so much fun and the assignments really challenged me at 3D printing. These two classes were some of my favorites this semester and I’m really sad to have to leave them.
Of course, the students of NCCC also have some classes they recommend to any students, new or old. Here are their responses:
“Science Fiction Literature” -A.B
“Design 1” -B.B
“Sociology with Amanda Power” -A.B
“Cultural anthropology with Erika Ruhl” -K.F
With that, I give you all the advice and recommendations I have either come up with or found among the halls of Niagara County Community College. It’s been a fun and interesting semester, but it’s time for us to move on. Once again I say, Goodbye to the 2022 seniors, congratulations. To the freshmen, I wish you the best of luck; remember college is supposed to be an experience we never forget, use it wisely.
Goodbye NCCC!